16 Following


Until Jax: Until Him - Aurora Rose Reynolds, Kalya Robichaux, Jennifer Siegel, Sarah Eirew

2.5 - If I see the words babe or baby one more time, I'll scream - Stars!

My least favorite book by this author. And I'm serious about the use of the words babe and baby. If Jax called Ellie babe/baby once, he called her that a hundred times - way overused.

The Allure of Dean Harper - R.S. Grey

A nice, light read.

After the Kiss: The Stiletto Series - Lauren Layne

This book wasn't bad, it just reminded me too much of the movie How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days, which I've seen a hundred times.

Truth or Beard (Winston Brothers Book 1) - Penny Reid

My first Penny Reid book and it was a bust :( Obviously, the issue is me because everyone else loved this book. Maybe I read it at the wrong time or maybe I was just in a mood, but I struggled with it from the beginning and found myself skimming most of it. I guess you can't love them all. I'll wait a few weeks and try another Penny Reid book - fingers crossed that is a better fit.

About Last Night - Belle Aurora, Hot Tree Editing, LM Creations

Some funny moments and plenty of sexy times, but overall, the story just did not work for me.

Ugly Love - Colleen Hoover

I don't think there are enough words to describe how much I love this book! So perfect <3                  

Soaring (The Magdalene Series) (Volume 2) - Kristen Ashley

3.5 Liked it, but didn't love it Stars.

It was a little long and I found myself skimming some of the chapters. Highlight of the book - Cillian - LOVED THAT KID! When he stood for his sister to Pippa, my heart melted.

Always Been Mine - Victoria Paige

Unfortunately, I didn't love this book as much as I did the first one :/

Three, Two, One (321) - J.A. Huss
  2.5, I don't know what I think, Stars!

Don't you hate it when you are so excited to read a book and while reading it, you realize you don't love it as much as everyone else does? :( Yep, that's what happened with this book. I didn't dislike the book, I just found it to be okay. My issue - I wasn't invested in the characters; I honestly did not care about them or what was going to happen to them. However, during the last 15% of the book, I was curious to see how it was all going to wrap up. While the ending wasn't enough to make me love the book, I was happy to see it end the way it did.


Baby, It's Cold Outside - Jennifer Probst, Emma Chase, Kristen Proby, Melody Anne, Kate Meader

Only read It’s a Wonderful Tangled Christmas Carol by Emma Chase - 3.5 Stars

Made - J.M Darhower

BEST.BOOK.EVER! BEST.SERIES.EVER!! But now that it's all over, my heart literally aches because I want more! More Corrado and more Carmine.

This is Falling - Ginger Scott

Loved it!

Come and Get Me (The Keatyn Chronicles) - Jillian Dodd

Such an amazing series! Absolutely love it <3

Hate Me (The Keatyn Chronicles) - Jillian Dodd

Holy shit - what a crazy ending! Thank goodness book 6 is out!!

Love Me  - Jillian Dodd

I cannot get enough of this series!

Date Me - Jillian Dodd

Aiden, I love you. Like seriously love you! The last lines of this book are the best EVER! Can't wait to see what happens in the next book.